
Friday, June 20, 2014

I See These in My Future

3 Ingredient Coconut Oil Buscuits

I saw all of these recipes on Pinterest and am going to link to the original post. These biscuits are calling my name in the morning. I've been eating English muffins every morning and I'm ready for a change. Plus I would much rather make my own bread than eat store bought English muffins for my breakfast sandwiches. I can't wait to see how they work out!

Tuna Stuffed Avocado

This tuna stuffed avocado will be one of my lunch choices next week.

Homemade Falafel

I've been wanting to make my own falafel for a long time but kept finding recipes that were made with chickpea flour instead of actual chickpeas. I know traditionally they are made with chickpea flour but I just kept thinking that I wanted to make them with the actual beans. Anyway, this recipe was exactly what I have been looking for.
